A bewildering climate discussion.

September 28, 2008 by greengard

One reaction on the climate discussion is that the conclusions of IPCC are wrong. The temperature increase we experience is not caused by human activities and , consequently, we do not need to take actions. The experts do not agree. Just wait and see. In media many express the view that what we see are natural climate variations.

And it may be so.  IPCC gives the probability 90% for human causes, not 100%. But is not 90 enough?

We know for sure that we have released huge amounts of carbon dioxide from fossil sources. And we also know that carbon dioxide is an active greenhouse gas.

Further, carbon dioxide might have other effects.  In Science Magazine 4 July 2008 there is a report about acidification of the oceans by carbon dioxide (Zeebe et al : Carbon emissions and acidification). This can have important consequences on the ecology of the planet. So – regardless of the climate issue carbon dioxide emissions might give serious effects.


It is important to disturb our natural systems as little as possible. We do not know the consequences. This is not reason enough for radical measures, such as to reduce industrialization of developing countries or scrap the air traffic, but certainly it is a good motivation not to misuse or waste resources or ecosystem capacity


Our planet begins to be tight.

September 28, 2008 by greengard


We humans have too large influence, the pressure on land and natural systems is increasing. Yet we have to increase the production.

There are different ways to react on these facts.


My main point is: we must both live (consume) and produce smarter. It is not necessary to sacrifice much, if anything, at least in the first step.


Agriculture is the main topic of this blog. Swedish agriculture is functioning fairly well, but there is scope for further improvements.


Who and Why?

September 28, 2008 by greengard

Who am I?

Göte Bertilsson, agronomist (Sweden). I have worked with plant nutrition, soil fertility, environment, recycling etc for 40 years. Retired. But not tired.


Why this blog?

Not only environmentalists but important organizations of the world discuss the necessity of better “ecological efficiency”, less ecological disturbance per unit of production. OECD used the term “decoupling”. 

There are many challenges in the field of global food and environent. Improvements to discuss. Ecological improvements that also may be economically efficient. It is important to discuss and inform about these possibilities in a constructive manner.

This blog is meant as a small contribution.


There is a parallell blogg in Swedish: Om jordbruk, miljö och framtid (http://greengard.wordpress.com ). This is an adapted translation.

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